Gujarat ikhedut Portal | Online Form Registration, Application Status, Schemes List

Gujarat ikhedut Portal | Online Form Registration, Application Status, Schemes List

There are about 100 different online applications for subsidy from the Department of Agriculture and Horticulture.
You can apply in all the components of Agriculture and Horticulture Department. Link to apply

The Government of Gujarat has created a portal online portal to help the farmers of Gujarat. The government has developed programs for agriculture, agriculture, fisheries, water conservation, and more.

All information about this program can be found on the Ikhedut portal. Any eligible resident of Gujarat can apply for this program through the portal online portal and can check the status of their application free of charge.

Ikhedoot Gate help
  • The main purpose of this program is to bring farmers home.
  • Farmers do not have to pay for information.
  • On this portal, farmers can see the weather, government farming methods, crop value and more. They will get information about.
  • The farmer can apply for a tractor under the farming scheme and the government will provide assistance.

Portal Gujarat Ikhedoot | Registration Register on air,  welcome and submit registration form

Let’s take a look at the registration in the air at the gateway

Step 1: First of all, you should go to the official website of the program, which is

Step 2: This home page will open on your next page, then you have to click "Configure", which will take you to the next page.

Step 3: You should now select a few layouts. You can choose whatever you want.

Step 4: You will now be asked if you are already enrolled in the program. If you are not registered, click "No" and "Continue".

Step 5: Then you need to click "Register New"

Step 6: This will open the subscription for you. Now you need to fill in all the details like your personal information, bank information, ID card information, and even the captcha code.

Step 7: After filling in the required data in the correct order, you need to click the "Submit" button.

Step 8: After successful registration, log in to your account and proceed with the request process.

Records / information required to register on farmer portal
  • aadhar card
  • Credit image
  • Passport size photo
  • Book Exchange Bank
  • Phone number (registration)
Important pointers
about the gate request. How to view it is farmer application application online application
If you are requesting an existing application on Gujarat Ikhut Gateway, follow the steps given below to check the status of the application.
First, go to the "Request House" page.
Then click on "Application Settings" and the form will open in front of you.
You must enter your registered phone number and number.
After entering the black code, you need to click "View Application".
If you submit your application to Gujarat, you can see the current situation.
Ikhedut Portal Schemes Ikhedut Portal Schemes
MB PLU (hydraulic return)
Ground pipes - PVC
Natural seed circle.
MB Plu
MB PLU (static)
Land of small seeds
Open that tube
Auto signal failure
They will dig nuts
Solar Charger Breaker (engine / fuel burning engine)
Cutting Captain (Tractor / Electric)
Seeds without planetary fertilizer
Adult seed manure is reduced
Game Find
Paddy Trans Planet
Find a hero
He also resigned
Power supply
Potato herbs
Farmers fall to the ground
Especially farming
Excavator driver's room
Save money
Ripper (automatic)
Part of the scale

How to check customer list at Gujarat Ikhedoot Gate

Many people look at the list of beneficiaries on the internet and ask questions. I recommend that none of the services currently in use allow you to browse the posts of those subscribers or the list of their subscribers. Yes, but if you have a request / tracking number, you can check the existing registration information and verify the operational documents as per the above audit dit conditions.

Farmers can get various government benefits in Icadat pass. Its usefulness lies in the form of various agricultural techniques and other agricultural applications.

K The farmer can request for existing programs from the gateway.
The validity and completeness of the application will be determined by field research or analysis. here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates