Friday, 29 October 2021

Gujarat Police Constable Study Material | Download Gujarat Police Constable Exam Papers With Answer Key

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Gujarat Police Constable Study Material | Download Gujarat Police Constable Exam Papers With Answer Key

If anyone is the most powerful person in the world, it is willpower.  You can get everything in the world through this.  If you want, you will find the way automatically.  Everything you get becomes an obsession for you.

Swami Vivekananda used to say that to move forward, to be great, to be successful, to aspire to do something different.  All the resources of the world are made for man only.  You have put both your hands on your eyes and are shouting that it is dark.

Gujarat Police Constable Bharti 2021/22

The Home Department will form a separate recruitment board and also make appointments along with the examination and result.

After several controversies, unarmed PSIs, ASIs, constables, intelligence officers, armed police constables, etc. in the state police force will now be replaced by Category-3 posts by the State Home Department instead of the Secondary Services Selection Board.  However, it also needs to comply with the conditions set by the government.

There have been many controversies and agitations
There has been a lot of controversy and agitation in recent times over issues like examinations, results, appointments and recruitment conducted by the Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Committee (GSSSB).  In these circumstances, sources in the General Administration Department said that till now, technical and non-technical recruitment process was done under Cadre-3 by the Secondary Service Selection Board.

File photo of the convocation of male policemen at Karai Police Academy.

Separate your hands, see there is light all around.  The weak get nothing.  The adventurer gets everything.  Come out of the darkness of cowardice and dream of moving on, live it.  you will get everything

If you want to put your mind in life, then you should put it in GOD.  Otherwise you will remain incomplete and incomplete and incomplete.  It is not that man cannot live to the fullest.  can live, but that perfection will be attained only by the company of God.

Living with God becomes impossible and not living with God makes possible impossible.  Arjun was alone, so it was becoming difficult for him to even stand in battle.  When I felt the feeling of being with Shri Krishna, I won the whole ground.

Being with you does not mean just walking Ram-Ram or going to temple 24 hours a day.  The whole world is doing this.  Although it is not easy and easy either.  Still with chanting of Ram Ram sit with firm belief in mind that Shri Hari is only my own in the world.  Make a charioteer like Arjuna, you will automatically take Krishna to the destination.

Fainting in the bathroom...

We always hear about many cases where people get dizzy from bath and then have seizures.  We haven't heard of a fall anywhere else...?

A National Sports Council professor who attended a healthy lifestyle course advised that one should not wash their hair before taking a bath, and that they should clean other parts of the body first.

The scientific reason for this is that when the head is wet and cold, blood flows to warm the head.  Therefore, pouring hot water on the head causes the blood vessels toonstrict and they are more likely to burst.

This usually happens in the bathroom, so to prevent this from happening, everyone needs to raise awareness and improve their bathing habits.

While bathing, start wetting the body in the order given below.

  1. Soles of the feet,
  2 feet,
  3. Thigh
  4. Stomach,
  5. Shoulders,
  6. Wait 5-10 seconds...

We feel like steam/air is blowing out of our body, and then we take a shower as usual.

What happens when we empty a glass full of hot water and immediately fill it with cold water...?
  The glass will explode, won't it...!!!

 In our body...
The body temperature is high, and the water is very cold.  If we bathe the body or head directly with cold water, then the same process happens in our body.

For this reason, we often see people suddenly falling in the bathroom.
  Because of the wrong way of bathing us
  rupture of blood vessels can lead to stroke
  Migraines may occur.
  blood pressure may increase
  may feel dizzy

This bath method is suitable for people of all ages, especially those with diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and migraine/headaches.

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Easy translation of friend's English article into mother tongue