Dr. Android Complete Check Your Hardware Device With This App
Learn the most efficient way to use an Android smart phone.
Discover little-used features that can make your life easier and make you a smart user of your phone.
अपने मोबाइल फोन के सभी विवरण अब केवल इस एक ऐप में जानें
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> क्या आपके फोन का सेंसर अब काम करता है?
> सेकेंड हैंड फोन का उपयोग करते समय, इस एप्लिकेशन को डाउनलोड करें और फोन को एक बार जांचें
Do you know you can share your internet with others via BLE, WIFI, USB - If you are out of battery you can charge it with other mobile - No internet to trace your location Doesn't use GMaps Offline - Leave no history using Incognito - and many more..
Starting from automating daily tasks, approaches that reduce efforts, tricks that help in using smart way efficiently, etc. are shown in text and video format for better understanding.
Learn how to use your Android device as a real smart phone, not just a phone. The best part is that you can use this app in offline mode as well.
30 Hardware Items and Sensors Tested ::
1. Multi-Touch
2. Touch Screen
3. Earphone and Microphone (Patent): Automatically check the audio system from 300Hz to 12000Hz by feedback system and FFT algorithm.
4. Speaker and Microphone (Patent): Automatically check the audio system from 300Hz to 12000Hz by feedback system and FFT algorithm.
5. Call function: Check whether the smartphone can connect to the base station.
6. Accelerometer: Check if the smartphone can detect acceleration and gravity.
7. Gyroscope: Check if the smartphone can detect the orientation.
8. Proximity sensor: Check whether the proximity sensor can normally detect the approach of your face and turn off the screen to avoid sensory errors.
9. Display: Check the display of the monitor.
10. Compass: Check the stability of the compass.
11. Storage: Check storage speed.
12. Memory: Make sure the memory access speed is ok.
13. Specific check: To confirm if this is the exact smartphone spec that you have purchased in case of any specific error.
14. CPU: Use benchmarks to test performance.
15. Camera
16. Vibration (Patent): Check the vibrator automatically.
17. Flash (patent): Automatically check the flash light.
18. Earphone Jack: Detect if the earphone jack can detect the earphones being inserted.
19. GPS
20. 3G Chip: Detect if the 3G chip can connect to the base station.
21. WiFi: Detect if smartphone can connect to WiFi AP.
22. Bluetooth: Check if Bluetooth can be turned on and connect to other iDevice.
23. Silent and volume control buttons: Test mute and volume buttons.
24. Home Button
25. Sleep Button
26.Temperature Sensor
27.Pressure Sensor
28.Step Counter
29.Light Sensor
Important Links::
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Dr. Android Full Check Your Hardware Device
Dr. Android Complete Check Your Hardware Device With This App