Microsoft Teams Already Allows Merging Video Calls

Microsoft Teams Already Allows Merging Video Calls

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One of the applications that is getting the most news so far this year is Microsoft Teams. One of the new functions that are launched in the app is the possibility of merging video calls, available both in the phone app and in the desktop version of the well-known application.

This function allows a user to be able to group a video call with another that is currently being carried out. This can be either a group call or an individual call.

New Feature

Thanks to this new feature in Microsoft Teams, users will never miss calls. When they are in a data moment immersed in a video call and have another online, the application will allow them to merge said call. It will not matter what type of video call it is, whether it is in a group or an individual call, this function can be used with both types of calls.

This feature allows users in the app to combine an active non-held call with another one-to-one or group call. This will be possible with a call that is already active or with a new one that we want to make, for example

The feature will roll out to all Microsoft Teams users over the next several weeks.

āŠ…āŠĶ્āŠ­ૂāŠĪ... 🙊
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 There are users of the application who can already enjoy it, although it is not known at the moment when it will be available to everyone in the desktop version of the well-known Microsoft application. A feature that helps improve the app even more.

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