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Tea But you may be surprised to know that you may have to pay a thousand rupees
Tea But you may be surprised to know that you may have to pay a thousand rupees
11:41 F + Lifestyle TT You will pay a maximum of Rs. 10 to 15 or Rs. 20 for a cup of tea at a small tea shop. But you may be surprised to know that you may have to pay a thousand rupees for a cup of tea at a small tea stall in Kolkata. If you are fond of tea and can spend a thousand rupees for a cup of tea, find out about this tea stall in Kolkata.
Tea costs from Rs 12 to Rs 1,000 In fact, Parth Pratim Ganguly, a resident of Kolkata, has opened a tea stall called Nirjash in Mukundpur, where a cup of tea costs from Rs 12 to Rs 1,000. About 100 types of tea are available at this tea stall. So it is clear that when a cup of tea costs a thousand rupees, there will be something special about it. What is in share 1000 rupees tea? A special cup of tea costs 1000 rupees, it is called Bolav Tea and it is 3 per kilogram.
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āŠđીં āŠ્āŠēિāŠ āŠāŠ°ો
11:41 F Lifestyle TT What is 1000 rupees in tea? A special cup of tea costs 1000 rupees, it is called Bo-Lay Tea and it is available at a price of 3 lakh rupees per kilogram. There are many types of tea available at this stall. If you are fond of tea, you can taste many kinds of flavors here. These include Silver Needle White Tea,
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Lavender Tea, Hibiscus Tea, Wine Tea, Tulsi Ginger Tea, Bliss Tea, Teesta Valley Tea, Maizebari Tea, Rubios Tea and Octy Tea. Parth Pratim Ganguly, the owner of this tea stall named 9 Share Nirjash, was working in a company. Seven years ago he decided to quit his job and start his own business. He started a tea stall under the name Nirjash in 2014. Today, there is a tea stall in Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal. Parth not only sells tea, but also tea to him