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Download DigiLocker Mprivahan Mobile Android Application.

Saturday 25 June 2022

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Download DigiLocker Mprivahan Mobile Android Application.

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A mobile app for Government of India's DigiLocker application.

DigiLocker is a key initiative under Digital India, the Government of India's flagship program aimed at transforming India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. Targeted at the idea of paperless governance, DigiLocker is a platform for issuance and verification of documents & certificates in a digital way, thus eliminating the use of physical documents. The DigiLocker website can be accessed at

If stopped by a traffic cop for valid papers, then you may show documents stored in DigiLocker to avoid hefty penalties under the amended motor vehicles law. A senior Road Transport Ministry official said that motorists can produce documents using DigiLocker or mParivahan mobile app. The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2019, which aims to enforce stricter penalties for road traffic violations, went into effect at the start of this month.

āŠđāŠĩે WhatsAppāŠĨી āŠĄાāŠ‰āŠĻāŠēોāŠĄ āŠ•āŠ°ી āŠķāŠ•āŠķો āŠŠાāŠĻ āŠ•ાāŠ°્āŠĄ āŠ…āŠĻે āŠĄ્āŠ°ાāŠˆāŠĩિંāŠ— āŠēાāŠŊāŠļāŠĻ્āŠļ, āŠœાāŠĢો āŠ•ેāŠĩી āŠ°ીāŠĪે

"Motorists can produce digital documents. Digital documents do not mean scanned copy or a photo of driving license, RC (registration certificate) or insurance. They have to be stored on DigiLocker or mParivahan app," the official said.

An amended provision in the Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 allows citizens to produce transport-related documents such as registration, insurance, fitness and permit, the driving licence, pollution check certificate and any other relevant documents in electronic form.

"This would enable the use of digital platforms for carrying and verification of the documents and is a step towards citizen facilitation," says the advisory sent to the state police and transport departments on November 19, 2018.





The penalties for road rule violations have gone up significantly after the new Motor Vehicle Act came into force from September 1, 2019. As per the new guidelines, the penalty for driving without a licence has been hiked from Rs. 500 to Rs. 5,000, while for driving without qualification, the fine has been raised from Rs. 500 to Rs. 10,000.

For over speeding, the penalty has been increased from Rs. 400 to Rs. 1,000 for light motor vehicles and 2,000 for medium passenger vehicles. For driving without using a seat belt, the fine has been hiked from Rs. 100 to Rs. 1,000.

You can now access your documents and certificates from your DigiLocker on your mobile devices.

Provides Transport Service access to citizens through a mobile based application. This app empowers citizen with instant access to various information, services and utilities related to the Transport Sector. Aimed to bring convenience to citizen and transparency in the system.

It is a genuine government app for all India RTO vehicle registration number search. It provides complete information about a car like -

- Owner Name
- Registration date
- Registering Authority
- Make Model
- Fuel Type
- Vehicle Age
- Vehicle class
- Insurance Validity
- Fitness Validity

Along with above features, you can also verify DL details and create virtual DL and RC

All these information will be displayed in details.

The main benefits of this app are -

1. Find details of any parked, accidental or theft vehicle by just entering the registration number.
2. Verify your car registration details.
3. Verify details of a second hand vehicle.
4. If you want to buy a second hand car you can verify the age and registration details.