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How To Apply ePancard
The PAN card is by far the most important document for all of us.PAN cards are issued by the Income Tax Department. PAN card is an important financial proof. For example,to open a bank account or to pay income tax,you also need a PAN card to take a loan. And if you don’t have a PAN card and you want to get one, this good news is very useful for you.You can get your PAN card at home without paying any charge.You don’t have to go anywhere for that.You can order your PAN card at home.
How To Get ePan Card Only 10 Minutes
First you have to go to https://www.Incometaxindiaefiling.Gov.In/home This is a government approved web site.Then you have to go to Aadhaar and select the Instant Page option.Clicking here will open a new page.There you will have to select the Get New Pan Card option. You have to enter your Aadhaar card number in the new page that opens.Then go to the confirmation section and click and submit button. After that,an OTP will appear on your registered mobile number i.e. the mobile number that will be linked to the Aadhaar card. It is necessary to enter and submit the OTP in the form.After that, the income tax department will check the information you have submitted and get your e-page in 10 minutes.
In the eyes of the government,PAN card is a means of earning income of any person. The important paper that is asked when filing tax is PAN card.As well as PAN card number is mandatory for paying taxes and making financial investments.There is a total of 10 digit PAN card number which has 3 English letters and 3 digits.The PAN card number contains all the information related to the person’s tax and investment. As well as CIBIL credit score is checked only by PAN card.
Now if you want to order a new PVC PAN card, you have to go to the NsDl website and there you can apply for a new PAN card by clicking on the submit button you can fill up the form for the new PAN card.So you have to pay a charge of Rs.
Going to the side of NSDL,you have to fill a form in which you have to upload the required documents such as your e-PAN card, your address proof as well as any one proof of your date of birth. After that you have to check your details and click on submit button and then you will have payment option and there you have to pay using different payment modes,You will be charged Rs 108 for this and a new (PVC) PAN card will come to your house in a few days.