ЁЯкА Whatsapp ркоા ркЖрк╡рк╢ે ркХркоાрк▓ркиા ркирк╡ા рклીркЪрк░
ЁЯУМ ркЧ્рк░ુрккркоાркеી ркХોркИ ркдркоાрк░ો ркиંркмрк░ ркирк╣િ рк▓ркИ рк╢ркХે.
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ЁЯУМ 2 ркжિрк╡рк╕ рккрк╣ેрк▓ાркиા ркоેрк╕ેркЬ рккркг ркХрк░ી рк╢ркХрк╢ો Delete Everyone
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WhatsApp admin will get more power, can delete any message from the group
While a new feature is going to be launched for WhatsApp group admin in the near future, this feature has been launched for many beta testers, so that any message can now be deleted.
ркХેрки્ркж્рк░ીркп ркХрк░્ркоркЪાрк░ીркУркиી рк╕ેрк▓ેрк░ી рккрк░ ркЖрк╡્ркпું ркоોркЯું ркЕрккркбેркЯ, рк╕рк░ркХાрк░ે ркжૂрк░ ркХрк░્ркпો ркЖрк╡ો ркн્рк░рко
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New feature for whatsapp group admin
Group admin will get delete for everyone
Anyone can delete a sent message
Nowadays, ever
yone has WhatsApp in their mobile phone, this instant messaging app is found in the mobile phone of every person who uses a smartphone. Admins can now get more power when people create groups and chat in them, in fact, according to a recent report by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp may soon release a feature that will allow group admins to delete any message for all members. However, it is worth noting that this service is initially only available to some beta testers.
ркЕрк╣ીંркеી рк╡ાંркЪો рк╕ંрккૂрк░્ркг рк░િрккોрк░્ркЯ ркЧુркЬрк░ાркдીркоાં
Admin can also delete other's messages
WABetaInfo tweeted, "WhatsApp Beta for Android What's New? WhatsApp is introducing a feature that will allow group admins to delete messages for everyone. It's available to some beta testers!"
Delete a message in this way
WABetaInfo has said in a report that a feature called admin delete is being enabled for WhatsApp group admins, so that they can better operate their groups on the messaging platform. If you want to check whether this service is enabled for your WhatsApp account or not, the process is very simple. If you are a group admin and you try to delete any incoming message and you see delete for everyone feature then understand that this service is provided for you.
Available to beta testers only
The report further states that when you delete a message sent by another group participant, other people can see that message, but now if an admin deletes a message for everyone, no one can see it. At the same time, if this feature is not made available for your account, don't worry. It will be rolled out to everyone soon. It is currently available to some beta testers.