Saturday, 4 March 2023

Photo editing app. Photo editor, background eraser & changer, collage maker app.

Photo editing app. Photo editor, background eraser & changer, collage maker app

ЁЯУ╕ ркЬુркиા ркЬркоાркиાркиા рклોркЯા ркиે ркмркиાрк╡ો ркПркХркжрко ркирк╡ા ркиркХોрк░

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About This App

✓ App Name : PickU: Photo Editor & Cutout
✓ Apk Size : 43 mb
✓ Developer : PickU Corp
✓ Use For : Photo editing app. Photo editor, background eraser & changer, collage maker app
✓ Reting : 3+
✓ Total Downloads : 50,000,000+ 
✓ Download Link : Click Here


Photo editing app. Photo editor, background eraser & changer, collage maker app.

ЁЯПЖPickU is an easy-to-use photo editor and photo background eraser! you can use it as a background eraser and background changer, blur photos background, and add portrait beauty effects.
PickU makes photo editing extremely easy and fun!

ЁЯТЦJust select and erase the objects you want to delete accurately. In PickU photo editor & background eraser, we provide hundreds of emoji backgrounds, natural backgrounds, frame backgrounds, and more other templates.

✂️ Background Eraser

⭐️ This photo editor can remove background of your photo automatically with help of AI scan;
⭐️ Replace old background with more amazing pics, try new photo background of nature, travel, color, frame, etc.;
⭐️ Blur background of your photo, say goodbye to messy backgrounds;
⭐️ Use our magic template, create amazing pictures in one click;
⭐️ Have fun and experience graffiti art in your photos!

ЁЯУ╕ Powerful Photo Editor

⚡️ PickU is a powerful photo editor with lots of free editing tools:
⚡️ Try our popular filters to add different effects to your photo;
⚡️ Use hundreds of fonts to add personalized text to your photos;
⚡️ Edit your photo with RGB colors and professional color editing tool;
⚡️ Add super cool Mosaic, Wings, Neon, Halo, Quote Text to your photo;
⚡️ Create cool exposure editing and mix photo layers;
⚡️ Use smart tools to quickly flip and crop photos;
⚡️ Use all your favorite pictures to create amazing photo collages.

‍ЁЯОи Amazing Filters

ЁЯФо Portrait filter, cartoon filter, art filter, movie filter, food filter, nature filters, find whatever filter you want in PickU photo editor;
ЁЯФо Adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, warmth, etc. to make your photo perfect.

ЁЯМ╗ Background Cutout Template

ЁЯТО Using the cutout template, you can make complex professional artwork with just one click;
ЁЯТО Get layers, collages, and photo frames easily on cutout template;
ЁЯТО Get filters and position with the template in PickU photo editor.

ЁЯЦ╝️ Blur Background Photo Editor

ЁЯОЮ Professional photo editing tools, such as blur, DSLR, crop, rotate, portrait beauty effects.
ЁЯОЮ Create the best blur effect, such as a DSLR camera. The DSLR camera blur effect is a perfect combination of portrait and beauty effects. You can use it to focus on photos, blur backgrounds, blur pictures, etc.

ЁЯСЙ ркмેркХркЧ્рк░ાркЙрки્ркб ркЗрк░ેркЭрк░ ркПркк ркЕрк╣ીંркеી ркбાркЙркирк▓ોркб ркХрк░ો

ЁЯСЙ ркЬૂркиા рклોркЯો ркиે ркирк╡ા рклોркЯોркоાં ркПркбિркЯ ркЕрк╣ીંркеી ркХрк░ો

❤️‍ Cute Stickers

ЁЯз╕ Add stickers to photos to enhance the fun of editing;
ЁЯз╕ Add emoji stickers, Neon stickers, colorful light stickers, pop art stickers to make your photo cute;
ЁЯз╕ Add sticker of real cool boy & pretty girl on your photos;
ЁЯз╕ Add wishes and quote sticker on your photo, bring your warm words by photo;
ЁЯз╕ Add amazing festival stickers, give wishes for Christmas, New Year, Valentine's Day, etc.

PickU is the simplest but most useful photo editor. Download PickU to create amazing pictures now!
Follow @pickuapps on Instagram for design inspiration.

Download This App On Playstore

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us via email: support@pi​​