Bharat Caller ID App | Best Anti Spam App

Bharat Caller ID App | Best Anti Spam App

Bharat Caller ID App to determine the true identity of the caller, identify and block Spam calls. 4.8 lac downloads five months! Team Awarded by the Government of India.

What Is Bharat Caller ID App

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Bhart Caller ID App is a must these days, and it is crucial to determine the identity of the caller prior to making a calls from unknown numbers.
This is why we created Bharat Caller ID app. It is extremely effective in blocking fraud and spam calls.
Bharat Caller ID app is a prestigious Indian Contact ID App which helps you recognize the true caller’s name.
Bharat Caller ID app is designed considering the user’s privacy concerns. As a result, we do not keep track of you.
This is the reason why Bharat Caller ID App is among the most effective caller id apps
Find True Caller’s Name
Bharat Caller ID App is a massive database of more than 100 million customers from India that comes from a variety of data providers. The names are processed using our own name sanitization process which then gives names that are accurate of the person calling.

100% Free Premium Features!

We give you access to premium features such as ReadAloud the list of visitors to Profile Premium Badge, FakeCaller absolutely free!

No Ads on Caller ID Screen

Everyone hates Ads! Therefore, we don’t bother you by displaying Ads each time someone calls you. Enjoy a wonderful experience !

Smart Call Log

The names of the caller in his most recent calls. Included are missed calls, the completed incoming as well as outgoing call. There are no more unknown numbers.

Find out who is calling you, without using your mobile!

Our new “ReadAloud” feature reads names of each person calling so you can locate their name without having to look at the screen of your phone.

100% Made in India and Made for Indians

It is made 100% in India by an Team of Engineers from elite universities like BITS Pilani IIT Delhi, ISM Dhanbad and IIM Bangalore.
We have seen apps from other countries leak data from outside of India. We’ve also encountered foreign apps making claims to be Indian and deceiving us. This is the reason we came up with BharatCaller.

Bharat Caller ID app will not steal your information!

Our primary focus is privacy of data, and we don’t track anyone, and we do not share any of your information with any third-party. We don’t sell your information to anyone. We believe that your information is yours and an authentic caller ID should not violate the fact that it is yours.

Lightning Fast Phone Number Search

Find any phone number using our lightning-fast search system. Utilize the lookup of phone numbers application to determine the true identity of the caller.

We are Indians and we love Indian Languages

Bharat Caller ID app believe that India is a treasure trove of fantastic culture, and we love India because of this. Therefore, we’ve made an effort to support nearly all Indian languages. Indian languages. If you think we’re missing your particular language, please contact us via support and we’ll be adding your language in the shortest time is possible!

Spam Detection and Blocking We’re constantly
reviewing spam calls and incorporating the spammers on our spam list. There is the option to block all spammers by a simple setting.

Earn money through the act of referring users!
We recently added a brand-new referral option where you earn PayTM Cash by encouraging your friends to sign up with Bharat Caller ID App.

Why should you choose Bharat Caller ID app?

A powerful database of numbers to identify the details of a call from an unknown telephone numbers.
Search for a smart phone number to helps you find out who is calling you.
Find and scan any call logs. Find contact and display information regarding odd calls.
Verify Bharat Caller ID app using name and photograph.
Easy to use and safe.
Support for dual and single SIM phones.
Bharat Caller ID App is a 100% made by hand in India Caller ID App is for the purpose of identifying calls that are not known to you. It functions as an Caller ID app. Bharat Caller ID displays Caller ID’s name whenever you receive unidentified calls.

Bharat Caller ID App Click Here