ðŪðģ RBI Grade B Recruitment 2022: Vacancies Notified For 294 Posts
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RBI Grade B Recruitment 2022: Vacancies Notified For 294 Posts
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued an advertisement for a Grade B officer. Applicants awaiting RBI Grade B 2022 can apply from March 28. According to reports, online application of graduates and post graduates has been called for filling up of 294 vacancies of Officer Grade B, General, Grade B – DEPR Officer and Officer Grade B – DSIM.
The application link for RBI Grade B will close on 18 April 2022. RBI conducts online examinations for selection of officers in Grade B. This year RBI Grade B examination will be held from 28th May to 6th August 2022. Officers Grade B (DR) General 238 Officers Grade B (DR) – 31 in DIPR and Officers Grade B (DR) – 25 posts will be recruited in DSIM.
Shortlisted candidates for the post will be recruited across the country at a cost of Rs. Attractive salary of 83254 will be given. Here are the important dates, vacancies, qualifications and other details.
RBI Grade B Recruitment 2022 Educational Qualification
Grade B (DR) – (General) Officers: At least 60% marks (50% for SC / ST / PWBD applicants) with Bachelor / equivalent technical or professional qualification in any branch or at least 55% post-graduation / equivalent technical qualification Marks (pass marks for SC / ST / PWBD applicants) are required.
Grade B (DR) DEPR Officers – Master’s Degree in Economics / Economics / Quantitative Economics / Mathematical Economics / Integrated Economics Course / Finance with a minimum of 55% marks or in the equivalent grade of all or semester / P / O MBA in Economics with less than 55% marks or a master’s degree in economics in any sub-category of Economics or the overall equivalent grade of all semesters.
Grade B (DR) – DSIM Officers: Statistics from IIT-Kharagpur – Mathematical Statistics – Mathematical Economics – Economics – Statistics and Informatics – From IIT-Bombay in Applied Statistics and Informatics One year post graduate diploma or M.A. in statistics or related subjects. State. Degree or overall equivalent grade with at least 55% marks of semester offered by ISI Kolkata, IIT Kharagpur and IIM Calcutta or at least 55% marks of Indian Statistical Institute with Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA).
RBI Grade B Recruitment 2022 Age limit : 21 to 30 years
*Nationality: Candidate should be one of these*
– Citizens of India or those who have come to India with the intention of settling permanently in India before January 1, 1962, Nepal or Bhutan or Tibetan refugees or Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zambia, A person of Indian descent who migrated from Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of settling permanently in India. Reserve Bank of India Services Board, Mumbai Advt. No. 1A / 2020-21
*RBI Grade B Recruitment 2022: How to apply?*
– Go to RBI’s website -https: //opportunities.rbi.org.in/Scripts/Vacancies Opportunities @ RBI> Current Vacancies> Recruitment under Vacancies for the post of “Officers in Gr.’B ‘(DR) General / DEPR / Click on the DSIM post.
– To register now select the Click here for New Registration tab and enter the name, contact details and email-id. The provisional registration number and password will then be generated by the Reserve Bank of India Services Board, Mumbai. Now click on the hyperlink Online Application Form on the ad page.
– Now enter the basic details and upload the photograph, signature, left thumbprint and handwritten declaration in the online application form as per the instructions given.
– Then save your application by clicking on Validate your details and Save & Next ‘button.
– Proceed to upload the photo, signature, left thumbprint and handwritten declaration as per the instructions given in the guide for scanning and uploading documents and fill in other details in the application form.
– Now check the entire application form before submitting the final. Click on the Preview tab for that. Edit the details if necessary and click FINAL SUBMIT if your details are correct.
– Finally make the payment by clicking on the Payment tab.
*The process of selection*
The selection process for this post will consist of two stages of online examination. There will also be a round for the interview.
*Important Dates*
Online Application Form Starts: 28th March 2022
Online Application Last Date: 18th April 2022
*Important Links*
● Short Notification: Click Here
● Apply Online: Click Here (Start on 28.03.2022)
● Official Website: Click Here